Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Flight off The Knob, 8/8/09

Flying from The Knob on 8 8 09 from Peter Rosen on Vimeo.

It was another awesomely beautiful day in Pacific Valley. Not much lift to be found, very smooth air, and the wind sock was set up, telling me in which direction to land, so I was surprised to find myself running after touching down. So maybe if my running had been a bit more enthusiastic . . . but as it was, the glider eventually caught up, passed me, and nosed in, albeit gently enough to still give myself a thumbs up, yeehaha. Next video will be in my new RED harness!

Also, flew again with Trey, a week later, but my camera malfunctioned, so the only record of that one is on his blog: