Sunday, March 29, 2009

First Marina Beach Video

Still trying to get my first video into this blog! Seems the only way to see if I'm doing it right is to publish it, so here goes . . . In this flight, the wind at launch was so perfect that I zipped up my harness, something I rarely do, and flew south, another thing I don't very often try. And it felt so good to cross the gap that I just kept going! For maybe 20 minutes, and then 180'd and started to come back. By then, the wind had increased and become gusty, and some turbulence tossed me out of the lift. Had to land on the beach, but was too busy to free a hand to unzip! That's why I'm still prone when I touch down . . . stay tuned, the next clip has to be better! And thanks to Trey, for all the much needed help in figuring this whole thing out! And, if this writing shows up with no video, I still haven't figured it out!

First Marina Beach Video from Peter Rosen on Vimeo.


  1. Wow Pete that came out great! I like the scene changes. Remember I'm your tech guy if you have any more questions. Good work.

  2. OMG that is beautiful! Wish I could be up there with you, but thanks for a few moments of tranquility.
