Monday, May 25, 2009

Clear Ridge, May 24, '09

Clear Ridge 5 24 09 from Peter Rosen on Vimeo.

It was soarable! But a moment's hesitation, and the chance to fly up above where I'd launched was gone, so nothing left to do but try to make it to the LZ, which I'd reached from that ridge twice before, on less windy days. This time, the headwind told me I wasn't going to make it. But I promised on my last post to show the landing of the next flight, so here it is. Thanks so much to Tracy for rescuing the glider - again!

1 comment:

  1. Man! That's amazing Suma and my brother Mike and his wife Teri Lynn and I just watched you crash!

    That was awesome! Are you okay?

    Thanks for sending this!

