Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Soaring with Trey from the Knob 9 21 10

It was a perfectly beautiful day at Pacific Valley, and the conditions were perfect, too! I asked Trey to turn my video camera on and then launched into a nice breeze coming up the hill. Found some workable lift about half way down - played in that for a while and then went over to set up a landing. I looked up and saw Trey circling, still very high up in front of the ridge, and he might have stayed up there all day, 'cept he had an appointment to keep, so came down about 45 minutes later! And we met Hugh from D.C. in the LZ, and gave him a ride up, and watched him launch his paraglider. And he was still soaring 45 minutes later when we got back to the highway! What a day!

1 comment:

  1. Peter - way cool! Looks like you had a *perfect* flight. I really like your choice of music - kinda debunks the popular notion that this is an adrenaline sport. Thanks for all your help and for sending me your link. I hope to be back in that part of the world soon and for a longer time (I'm back in DC, in the office - gah!). Guess I have to guard against expecting a soaring flight every time I go there, huh...
