Saturday, February 12, 2011

Finally! Back in the Air!!!

Today's 19 weeks since I stalled a landing and dislocated my right arm at the shoulder. Been feeling for a while now that I was ready to get back into the air, but today it really happened, and it was sheer bliss. Nina Simone's, "Wild is the Wind" seemed just the thing for such ecstasy. Thanks, Trey, for going up there with me, and starting both cameras for me. You're the best!


  1. Glad you are back in the air Peter. What a wonderful friend you have in Trey. It was one of the most glorious days on the Hwy 1 from Carmel to Big Sur, good day to go up.

  2. Congrats on returning to the air, Pete! I know how great it is after a long unplanned absence, to return to your passion the first time. Like when I broke my leg, and was finally able to even touch my horse, then to ride again. It was truly a reuniting of the soul! Keep flyin' high! See you this summer! Lil & Randy
